
Insight Summaries

Our analytical and sectoral expertise allows us to collect and decipher the data, bringing sophisticated intelligence to complex humanitarian questions

Featured solutions

Data intelligence and advanced analytics

We deliver contextualized insights powered by custom analytics to help organizations improve the speed and accuracy of decision making.

Development consulting and technical support

Our advisory services optimize programs and interventions, while managing risks and maximizing strategic benefits for stakeholders.

Capacity building and training

With a focus on building the capacity of professionals who produce evidence, our expert trainers deliver a range of courses that ensure excellence, innovative thinking, and technical diligence.

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Beyond TB: Confronting Stigma for a Healthier India

The world came together on 24th March, Tuberculosis (TB) Day, and India’s message was crystal clear: “Yes! We can end TB”.

April 5, 2024
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Decoding Climate Finance as it is on Ground

Establishing what counts towards climate finance will be the first step in the process of creating a more needs-based and adaptable monetary goal.

November 3, 2023
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The Menstrual Equity Revolution: Beyond Taxation

In recent years, there has been a shift in the fight for menstrual equity with the elimination of taxes on feminine hygiene products in many countries.

October 16, 2023
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Practice areas

Public health

Our public health experts work closely with governments, funding agencies, and other stakeholders to assess major health reforms and policies.

Renewable energy and climate change

We help analyze risks and vulnerabilities, co-creating solutions to improve clean energy access and energy efficiency.

Water, sanitation and hygiene

Sambodhi supports global efforts towards improving WASH initiatives outcomes using data and customized analytics.

Livelihoods and natural resources

We help policy makers ensure environmental sustainability, while meeting the rising demand for food and natural resources.

Education and skills

Sambodhi supports clients implementing dynamic MLE systems across varying themes – from adult literacy to early childhood.

Cross cutting areas

We use a differential lens to explore and explain the experiences of marginal and vulnerable communities.

Years of experience
Clients and partners
Finished projects
Professionals trained


Kadambari Anantram
Vice President - Research and Advisory Services
Swapnil Shekhar
Co-founder and Director
Sudhanshu Malhotra
Vice President - Strategy and Partnerships
Kultar Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Dharmendra Chandurkar
Co-founder and Chief Knowledge Officer
Rajib Nandi
Vice President – Knowledge Management & Capacity Development
Nitin Sharma
Chief Strategy Officer
Vice President – Public Health Practice